fredag 21 september 2007


I created sheepUI because I feel that there is too much stuff that just clamps the screen in the default Blizzard interface. And I didn't find any custom interface that I liked, except UltimateUI but since the author don't have as much time as before it isn't as great. I have tried some other UI's, like Mazzle and Photek, but I don't like them.

I am no where near finished, will probably change xperl too something else and change colours etc... I would appreciate comments and recomendations on addons.

AddOn list:
  1. !BugGrabber
  2. !StopTheSpamm
  3. !Swatter
  4. Ac2
  5. Ash_Communications
  6. Ash_Cooldowns
  7. Ash_Core
  8. Ash_DoTimers
  9. Ash_Notifications
  10. Atlas
  11. AtlasBattlegrounds
  12. AtlasDungeonLocs
  13. AtlasEntrances
  14. AtlasFlightPaths
  15. AtlasLoot
  16. AtlasLoot_BC/OldInstances
  17. AtlasLoot_RepFactions
  18. AtlasLoot_SetsandPvP
  19. AtlasLoot_WorldLoot
  20. AtlasOutdoorRaids
  21. Auctioneer
  22. Autobar
  23. AutobarConfig
  24. Bartender3
  25. Cartographer
  26. CECB_Debuffs/Options/PvEModule/PvPModule
  27. CEnemyCastBar
  28. CooldownCound
  29. CT_MailMod/RABossMods/RaidAssist
  30. cyCircled
  31. DMB_API/Battlegrounds/BlackTemple/GUI/Hyjal/Karazhan/Other/Serpentshrine/TheEye
  32. DetachedMiniButtons
  33. eePanels2
  34. ElkBuffBars
  35. EnhTooltip
  36. InFlight
  37. ItemRack
  38. KLHThreatMeter
  39. ManyItemTooltips
  40. MobHealth
  41. Ogri'Lazy
  42. OneBag/Bank/Ring/Storage/View
  43. PerfectRaid
  44. Perl_ArcaneBar/CombatDisplay/Config/Config_Options/Focus/Party/Party_Pet/Party_Target/Player/Player_Pet/Target/Target_Target
  45. Prat
  46. Quartz
  47. sct
  48. sct_options
  49. sctd
  50. sctd_options
  51. ShadowHud
  52. ShadowHud_OPT
  53. Sharena
  54. Skinner
  55. Squeenix
  56. Stubby
  57. SuperInspect
  58. SuperInspectUI
  59. SW_FixLogStrings/Stats/Stats_Profiles/UniLog
  60. TinyTip
  61. TinyTipExtras
  62. TinyTipOptions
  63. Xloot
  64. XlootGroup
  65. XlootMaster
  66. XlootMonitor

There they are, thats all I have to say atm...


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